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Managing Community Health Files and Templates with a .github Repository

· 4 min read
Bekah Hawrot Weigel
Developer Experience Lead

I collect open source projects like some people collect discord servers. To be accurate, I have 525 repositories. Now, before you yell at me, many of those are from my bootcamp lessons when I was learning to code. But I’ve been known to start and stop projects more than once. What I have learned through that experience is the importance of consistency. If you’re in an organization that has multiple repositories, you might find yourself adding the same files over and over–files like the, Pull Request (PR) and Issue templates, and As developers, adding these files repeatedly starts to feel like we’re violating DRY code principles. Fortunately, the .github repository can help solve this problem.

How Vercel is Using GitHub Discussions to Build a Strong Next.js Community

· 3 min read
Bekah Hawrot Weigel
Developer Experience Lead

Communication is key to maintaining a healthy open source project. It’s even more important if one of your projects has more than 100,000 stars. Using a tool like GitHub discussions provides an opportunity for communication for more than bug reports, show and tell, or product announcements. It can provide a path to support and connect the community, and that’s exactly how Vercel is using discussions on their Next.js repository.

Writing Your First Pull Request: Tips, Best Practices, and AI-Powered Tools for Success

· 4 min read
Bekah Hawrot Weigel
Developer Experience Lead

I don’t remember writing my first Pull Request (PR), and to be honest, I actually looked to see if I could find it for this post, but I know that I was really nervous because I wasn’t sure if I was doing it “right.” I think I actually spent more time worrying about it than I did actually writing the thing. The good news is that there isn’t really a right way to write a PR, but there are some best practices that can guide your writing and help the maintainer to be able to understand the changes.